Install Wget Mac Catalina

A clean install represents a fresh start, and it’s achieved by erasing all data from the Mac hard drive and then performing a fresh clean installation of MacOS Catalina onto that Mac. A clean install sort of feels like getting a new Mac in the sense that no data is on the device at all, there are no apps, no user accounts or user data, no.

(updated on June 9, 2016)

  1. In this article, we will see how to install wget on macOS using the brew package installer. Code2care How To's Tools Tutorials C Programs 🏿 #BlackLivesMatter 🍪 This site uses cookies to improve your experience with the site.
  2. How to Install Catalina on an Old Mac With that out of the way, we can get started. The problem we face when putting Catalina on older Macs is that, hidden deep within the operating system itself, there is a script that checks what machine you are trying to install it on.
  3. Once you install wget, you’ll run commands and specify a destination for your files. We show you how to do this next. How to Install wget on Mac. Before you install wget, you need a package manager. While wget doesn’t ship with macOS, you can download and install it using Homebrew – the best Mac package manager available.

1) Install Xcode:
$ xcode-select --install
2) Install open motif
$ sudo port install openmotif
3) Install Xmgrace
$ sudo port install grace
4) Open Xmgrace and enjoy!
$ xmgrace
1) Install motif libraries. You can download binary from here:
2) Grace download and install:
$ cd Desktop
$ wget
$ tar xzvf grace-5.1.23.tar.gz
$ cd grace-5.1.23
$ ./configure --x-includes=/usr/X11/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib --with-motif-library=-lXm --with-extra-incpath=/usr/OpenMotif/include:/usr/local/fftw-3.3.4/include --with-extra-ldpath=/usr/OpenMotif/lib:/usr/local/fftw-3.3.4/lib
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/grace/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ xmgrace
- on Mac OS X Lion, wget doesn't work. Use curl -O instead of wget.
- if in the last step, when you try to run xmgrace, you get the following error:
$ xmgrace
Can't open display
Failed initializing GUI, exiting
you can try:
$ DISPLAY=:0.0 xmgrace
if it doesn’t solve the problem, you need to open XQuartz and then enter the following command:
$ DISPLAY=:0.0 xmgrace

Wget is free command-line tool that you can use to download files from the internet.

In this wget tutorial, we will learn how to install and how to use wget.

3Install Wget
4Wget Basics
5Extract Web pages with Wget Commands
7Use Wget With Python

What is Wget and What Does it Do?

WGET is a free tool to crawl websites and download files via the command line.

  • It lets you download files from the internet via FTP, HTTP or HTTPS (web pages, pdf, xml sitemaps, etc.).
  • It provides recursive downloads, which means that Wget downloads the requested document, then the documents linked from that document, and then the next, etc.
  • It follows the links and directory structure.
  • It lets you overwrite the links with the correct domain, helping you create mirrors of websites.

Install Wget

Check if Wget is installed

Open Terminal and type:


If it is installed, it will return the version.

If not, follow the next steps to download wget on either Mac or Windows.

Download Wget on Mac

The recommended method to install wget on Mac is with Homebrew.

First, install Homebrew.

Then, install wget.

Download Wget on Windows

To install and configure wget for Windows:

  1. Download wget for Windows and install the package.
  2. Copy the wget.exe file into your C:WindowsSystem32 folder.
  3. Open the command prompt (cmd.exe) and run wget to see if it is installed.

Here is a quick video showing you how to download wget on windows 10.

Wget Basics

Let’s look at the wget syntax, view the basic commands structure and understand the most important options.

Wget Syntax

Wget has two arguments: [OPTION] and install-wget-mac-catalina.html .

  • [OPTION] tells what to do with the install-wget-mac-catalina.html argument provided after. It has a short and a long-form (ex: -V and --version are doing the same thing).
  • install-wget-mac-catalina.html is the file or the directory you wish to download.
  • You can call many OPTIONS or URLs at once.

Install Wget Mac Catalina Download

View WGET commands

To view available wget commands, use wget -h.

Extract Web pages with Wget Commands

Download a single file

Download a File to a Specific Output Directory

Here replace <YOUR-PATH> by the output directory location where you want to save the file.

Rename Downloaded File

To output the file with a different name:

Define User Agent

Identify yourself. Define your user-agent.

Extract as Google bot

Extract Robots.txt only When it Changes

Let’s extract robots.txt only if the latest version in the server is more recent than the local copy.

First time that you extract use -S to keep a timestamps of the file.

Later, to check if the robots.txt file has changed, and download it if it has.

Convert Links on a Page

Convert the links in the HTML so they still work in your local version. (ex: to localhost:8000/path)

Mirror a Single Webpage

To mirror a single web page so that it can work on your local.

Extract Multiple URLs

Add all urls in a urls.txt file.

Limit Speed

To be a good citizen of the web, it is important not to crawl too fast by using --wait and --limit-rate.

  • --wait=1: Wait 1 second between extractions.
  • --limit-rate=10K: Limit the download speed (bytes per second)

Extract Entire Site (Proceed with Caution)

Recursive mode extract a page, and follows the links on the pages to extract them as well.

This is extracting your entire site and can put extra load on your server. Be sure that you know what you do or that you involve the devs.

  • --recursive: Follow links in the document. The maximum depth is 5.
  • --page-requisites: Get all assets (CSS/JS/images)
  • --adjust-extension: Save files with .html at the end.
  • --span-hosts: Include necessary assets from offsite as well.
  • --wait=1: Wait 1 second between extractions.
  • --limit-rate=10K: Limit the download speed (bytes per second)
  • --convert-links: Convert the links in the HTML so they still work in your local version.
  • --restrict-file-names=windows: Modify filenames to work in Windows.
  • --no-clobber: Overwrite existing files.
  • --domains Do not follow links outside this domain.
  • --no-parent: Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively
  • --level: Specify the depth of crawling. inf is used for infinite.

(Extra) Run Spider Mode

Wget VS Curl

Install Wget Mac Catalina

Wget’s strength compared to curl is its ability to download recursively. This means that it will download a document, then follow the links and then download those documents as well.

Use Wget With Python

Wget is strictly command line, but there is a package that you can import the wget package that mimics wget.

Debug Wget Command Not Found

If you get the -bash: wget: command not found error on Mac, Linux or Windows, it means that the wget GNU is either not installed or does not work properly.

Go back and make sure that you installed wget properly.


Install Wget Mac Catalina Free

This is it.

You now know how to install and use Wget in your command-line.

Install Wget Mac Catalina Update

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Sr SEO Specialist at Seek (Melbourne, Australia). Specialized in technical SEO. In a quest to programmatic SEO for large organizations through the use of Python, R and machine learning.