Cracking Keylok Usb Dongle

  1. Keylok Dongle Emulator
  2. Cracking Keylok Usb Dongle Tool

KEYLOK2 is our most tested security dongle on the market. The original KEYLOK2 was developed for 25 pin parallel ports. As computers, and the ports they utilized, advanced a need for a USB version of KEYLOK2 dongle emerged. Thus, the recognizable green KEYLOK2 was introduced. At the request of a leading chip manufacturer a 9 pin serial port version was produced for use in an embedded system.

Our flagship dongle, the KEYLOK2 is our most cost-effective and widely used security dongle, loved by thousands worldwide. The KEYLOK2 is available as a standard USB protection dongle or Serial dongle. View KEYLOK2 features FORTRESS. Our smartest and most-secure design built on smart card technology that has been tested to EAL5+. If all of your USB ports are in use, you’ll be able to purchase a USB hub to make four or a lot of USB ports out of 1 USB port. The WIBU-KEY is employed to manage licenses. The quantity of licenses a firm owns is programmed into the WIBU-KEY Dongle. Wibu BOX Dongle Emulator. The communication is according to USB specifications.

While the cases haven't changed the licensing and security has. Numerous updates have been made to both the hardware and firmware to mitigate potential threats. In the software licensing and security space, no product can survive this long without continual maintenance and updates.

Apurba Mallick Call Me Editing WorldVideo & Photo Album Editing All Softwaer Edius - 5/6/7/8 Adobe premer cc 2017New Project 2017 Full HDFX - Boris. A dongle is a small piece of computer hardware that connects to a port on another device to provide it with additional functionality, or enable a pass-through to such a device that adds functionality. In computing, the term was initially synonymous with software protection dongles—a form of hardware digital rights management where a piece of software will only operate if a specified dongle. Our flagship dongle, the KEYLOK2 is our most cost-effective and widely used security dongle, loved by thousands worldwide. The KEYLOK2 is available as a standard USB protection dongle or Serial dongle. View KEYLOK2 features FORTRESS. Our smartest and most-secure design built on smart card technology that has been tested to EAL5+.


The KEYLOK2 security dongle is our most affordable solution; perfect for tight budgets that still require high security licensing and protection.


KEYLOK2 security dongle comes in Two model types: USB and Serial dongle to suit your security needs. Compare features in our product grid and learn more about each model.

Model Name

Operating Systems

Network Applications

(Win only)

Code Vault

Programmable Memory




112 bytes

KEYLOK2 is our standard USB key that can be used to protect multiple applications with one device.



112 bytes

One of the smartest pieces of technology on the market. Contains a CPU that manages communication to and from the application. Includes power management circuitry and voltage regulator to ensure a steady flow of power.

Cracking keylok usb dongle driver

We decided to do a teardown on a Keylok USB based dongle from Microcomputer Applications, Inc. (MAI).

Opening the dongle was no challenge at all. We used an x-acto knife to slit the sidewall of the rubber protective coating. This allowed us to remove the dongle’s circuit board from the surrounding protective coating.

The top side of the printed circuit board (PCB) is shown above. MAI did not try to conceal anything internally. We were a little surprised by this :(.

The backside consists of two tracks and a large ground plane. The circuit is very simple for an attacker to duplicate.

With the devices removed, a schematic can be created literally within minutes. The 20-pin version of CY7C63101A can even be used in place of the smaller SOIC 24-pin package (which is difficult for some to work with). The 20-pin is also available in a dual-inline-package (DIP) making it a great candidate for an attacker to use.

Red pin denotes pin 1 on the device.

We performed some magic and once again we have success to unlock the once protected device. A quick look for ASCII text reveals a bunch of text beginning around address $06CB: .B.P.T. .E.n.t.e.r.p.r.i.s.e.s…D.o.n.g.l.e. .D.o.n.g.l.e. .C.o.m.m.<
.E.n.d.P.o.i.n.t.1. .1.0.m.s. .I.n.t.e.r.r.u.p.t. .P.i.p.e.


Ironically, they say, “There are many advantages to using a hardware “based security solution AKA, a Dongle. There are even more advantages however to using KEYLOK Dongles over other competing solutions.”

Keylok Dongle Emulator

Statement’s such as the one above are the reason Flylogic Engineering started this blog. We have heard this just one too many times from companies who are franckly pushing garbage. Garbage in, garbage out. Enough said on that.

Cracking Keylok Usb Dongle Tool

This dongle is the weakest hardware based security token we have ever seen!! The outer physical protection layers ease of entry places this dongle last on our list of who’s hot and who’s not!